In this blog post, we explore robot autonomy, emotions, and their ethical relationship with humans, exploring the ethical issues that arise as technology advances.
Today, robotics is utilized in a variety of fields, including healthcare, production, and education. These technological advancements are significantly changing our daily lives, and robots are becoming more than just machines, they are interacting with humans. In the near future, a variety of issues will arise as intelligent robots emerge that go beyond simple robots that perform certain functions over and over again. This means that robots will likely transform into beings capable of making autonomous judgments, beyond their role as tools. In this process, we need to think deeply about the role and ethics of robots.
In particular, the question of robot autonomy is becoming an important debate as technology advances. Should robots only obey human commands, should they have the autonomy to refuse to obey human commands if they are wrong, should they be treated as tools we use, or should they be recognized as independent beings like humans? For example, in the medical field, when a robot performs a surgery, there is a debate about whether it is right for it to follow the doctor’s orders unconditionally, or whether it should have the power to refuse orders at times for the safety of the patient. These issues are not just technical challenges, but ethical issues that redefine the relationship between humans and robots.
This is where the concept of “robot ethics” comes into play. Robot ethics is a discussion of the questions that arise when humans interact with robots. The emergence of robots will bring about many changes in society as a whole, and with it, new risks that have not previously existed. For example, a variety of intelligent robots are being weaponized and developed for warfare, and if these robots are given the ability to self-determine and pre-emptively attack enemies in order to effectively eliminate them, we will have a situation where human lives are threatened by robots. This situation is already being researched in some countries, so there is an urgent need for regulation and ethical discussion. By proposing and applying the concept of robotics ethics, it will be possible to prevent these risks and reconcile social conflicts that may arise due to robots.
The first concept that robotics ethics should include is the ethical norms that humans should follow as robot users and manufacturers. Those who build robots should be responsible for ensuring that the purpose of the robot is justified and that the consequences of its misuse are fully discussed, and that the robot is built to minimize the potential for abuse. Users should also use the robot for its intended purpose, and not abuse or modify it for other purposes. For example, in the near future, unmanned robots may be used to deliver packages, replacing the role of delivery drivers. The original purpose is to increase convenience for people, but if a terrorist group thinks to equip these robots with bombs instead of packages, you can see how abusing robots can have dire consequences.
Secondly, there are principles that robots should abide by. Since the purpose of robot development is to improve the inconveniences of human life, it is important that robots do not violate human dignity by harming or oppressing humans. Establishing principles for robots to follow is a very important part of using robots. If these principles are misaligned, robots could harm people or even cause harm to the entire human race. These concerns are often explored in science fiction movies. For example, the movie “iRobot” is set in a society where intelligent robots are commercialized, obey human commands, and function for their convenience. In this society, robots are expected to behave according to the following “robot three principles” under all circumstances
1. robots must not harm humans, or cause harm to humans by their actions or inactions.
2. robots must obey commands given by humans, except when those commands violate the first law.
3. robots must protect their own existence, except when such protection violates the first and second laws.
In the movie, Vicky, the robot who controls the robots, orders her subordinate robots to detain the humans. At first glance, these orders seem to violate the first law of the Rule of Three because they harm humans. However, Vicky argues that she gave these orders for the good of humanity before humans. In order for humanity to progress, it is necessary to first control and reorganize humans who engage in behaviors that endanger humanity, such as environmental pollution and war. There are blind spots in the principles set to effectively control robots, which have caused great damage to humanity. These points are not limited to movies, but also remind us of how important it is to have accurate and specific robotics principles.
We also need to think about the possibility of robots having emotions and a sense of self. The pace of development of robotics is accelerating, and in the near future, we will see anthropomorphic robots in our reality. We need to think about how we will communicate with these intelligent robots and what principles we will impose on them to protect human autonomy and dignity.
Finally, robotics ethics should include ethical norms for situations that may arise in the relationship between robots and humans. As technology evolves, robots will look, speak, and even feel more human-like, so they will be used not only in areas of production that require repetitive tasks, but also in social and emotional jobs such as kindergarten assistants, hospice workers, and receptionists. At this time, norms will need to be established for ethical issues such as whether robots should be treated as equals to humans in the same field, and whether it is right to form mental bonds with robots. “AI” is a movie that presents these ethical issues. In this movie, the main robot, David, looks very similar to humans, feels the same emotions as humans, and is adopted by a family as a substitute for their vegetative son. By showing the attitudes of humans towards “sentient robots” and how it hurts them, “AI” asks the audience, “If a robot that feels emotions like humans does, should it be included in the category of human?
In the near future, we will live in a society where robots will have a huge impact on our daily lives and will be utilized in many fields. As a result, the moral and legal responsibility for robots’ actions will become important, and robot ethics will need to be established in relation to various norms of human society, the establishment of relationships with robots, and various cultural differences. At this time, human norms as users and creators, robot norms, and norms for human-robot relationships will need to be included in robot ethics in a specific and appropriate manner. Although highly intelligent, thinking, and emotional robots have not yet appeared as in the case of “iRobot” and “AI,” it will be possible to prevent and control future risks that may arise from robots by establishing the relationship between humans and robots in advance.